Friday, September 9, 2016





Vector's, Espio's, and Charmy's first appearance was in Knuckles' Chaotix. The Japanese manual expresses that the three each arrive on an unnamed island that had ascended from the ocean during the time Dr. Robotnik was making his ambush on it. Vector went there since he interpreted the island's sudden appearance as an act of Kami, while Espio, being an analyst, went to investigate its sudden appearance, and Charmy was out and about doing what bees normally do when he made base on the island. Upon Espio's arrival, he was assaulted by Robotnik and Metal Sonic who were attempting to capture him, however, Knuckles rescued him. Vector and Charmy were caught and trapped in Robotnik's Combi Machine, later to be rescued by the other Chaotix members whom they joined in opposing Dr. Robotnik and with the mission to wreck his amusement park, which they succeeded in after annihilating Metal Sonic Kai and freeing Carnival Island for the last time. 

After a prolonged absence, Vector, Espio, and Charmy returned to the Sonic the Hedgehog story in Sonic Heroes, where it is immediately discovered that they have opened up a detective agency. One day, Charmy blasted into their office carrying a package which contained a walkie-talkie, which ended up being a client who was asking that they finish a couple of mission for him in return for handsome pay. Vector and Charmy were eager to take the Client's offer at the sound of getting heaps of cash; however, Espio expressed that he had a bad feeling about the entire thing. Despite Espio's worries, Vector reminded the group of their policy, which was never to turn down work that pays. Vector lead the Chaotix on the missions which the Client made for them, though at some point, Vector began to become suspicious regarding their Client's true identity, propounding that it was Dr. Eggman himself despite that the Client had them go up against Dr. Eggman (who was revealed to be a fake version). In the long run, the Chaotix reached their last mission; find and rescue the Client who was locked somewhere on Final Fortress. After saving the Client, the Chaotix discovered that it was Dr. Eggman himself, this astounded Espio and Charmy but affirmed Vector's initial hypothesis. In the wake of getting Eggman to uncover that Metal Sonic imprisoned him, the Chaotix were led into battle against Metal Sonic alongside the other teams to prevent him from taking over the world. After weakening Metal Sonic's Metal Madness state and forcing him to complete his transformation and take flight, the Chaotix ushered his final defeat at the hands of Super Team Sonic. After the battle, Charmy reminded Vector about Dr. Eggman's guaranteed compensation, which leads them to pursue him, though it is unknown whether they ever got their cash.

In Shadow the Hedgehog, Vector and the Chaotix were chipping away at a major case, one which Vector was not willing to disclose its points of interest to outsiders. Vector had sent Charmy to Prison Island to retrieve "five secret disks" which supposedly belonged to G.U.N., who ran into Shadow at the base who helped him locate the discs which contained valuable data. Espio appears in the cut-scene before the Mad Matrix stage, in which he and Shadow hack into the cyberspace of Eggman's computer system. In the last story, Vector, Espio, and Charmy had found the ARK's primary PC and were attempting to hack it. Struggled with the thought of losing their data, Vector had Espio do the PC work while keeping Charmy away so not to disturb him. In any case, Charmy lost his understanding and rammed into the computer, an action which saved the planet as this permitted them to access a private video made by Professor Gerald Robotnik which was streamed all around the world. This is what gave Shadow the determination to overcome Black Doom's mind control and conquer the Black Arms for the last time.

In Sonic Rivals 2, Espio is sent by Vector and appears as Silver the Hedgehog's partner as they both investigate the case of the missing Chao, and regardless of the way that they initially don't see eye-to-eye, the two ultimately make peace and learn to cooperate. The Chaotix also appear in Sonic Colors, where they were on a vocation to examine Eggman's amusement park. Team Chaotix made a recent appearance in Sonic Generations where they went to and arranged Sonic's birthday party which was interrupted by the sudden appearance of the Time Eater. The three were sucked into Time Holes and wounded up in White Space, transformed into statues because of the Time Eater's properties. However, they were saved by Sonic and his past self and were reverted to their normal states, after which Vector theorized that the Time Eater was being controlled from behind, which was later confirmed to be the case. In the finale, Team Chaotix appeared to support the two Sonics and usher the defeat of the two Eggmans and the Time Eater. After the fight, they were returned to the present time, allowing them to proceed with their regular everyday responsibilities.

|VECTOR THE CROCODILE|"It's all part of being a good detective!" - Vector

Name: Vector the Crocodile

Debut: Knuckles' Chaotix

Species: Crocodile

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 180 cm (5'11")

Weight: 200 kg (440 lb)

Eye Color: Vermilion


Vector is kind, loud-mouthed, and has the heart of a child. The brains behind the Chaotix Detective Agency's operations, Vector is a genuine leader that keeps a composed attitude even in the most upsetting circumstances. Shockingly, his position as the leader has a tendency to get to his head, which causes him to be bossy at times, frequently leaving Vector split between the "bossy" and "nice" parts of his nature. Nevertheless, Vector makes the most of his calling as a leader and detective. He accepts his position genuinely and utilizes his forces of derivation to tackle any case with nobility and admiration, and is not above showing them off. Vector typically shows a hard exterior; he talks in a harsh tone, may not sweat the details and is quick to start a fight, regularly taking an effective methodology when confronting problems. Despite the fact that he can find a peaceful solution to an issue, he will just do as such if all else fails. 

Where it counts, Vector is a gentle giant with an idealistic perspective and a wealthy personality. While keeping a calm head and complete determination when on a case, Vector can in the interim demonstrate an active and loose comical inclination alongside some attitude. In the meantime, Vector is charismatic and charming, allowing him to coexist with others regardless of how different they might be, which is particularly shown in the case of Espio. As such, Vector tends to his companions and is always loyal to them. One of Vector's most characterized qualities is his fantasy of getting rich. His behavior is primarily geared around gaining cash, and his approach is never to turn down work that pays. He will do any work on the off chance that it implies a sound salary and gets motivated just by the thought of money. 

Regardless of his affection for money, Vector has high ethics and won't get included in anything illegal or dirty. Thus, Vector has a solid feeling of equity and consideration, despite his argumentative nature. In that capacity, Vector is exceptionally charitable and is known for aiding those in need for free. As a result of this, Vector will take cases with no compensation. Despite any problems his generous nature may present, however, Vector trusts that helping those less blessed is the best reward. Next to money, Vector's other passion is music, which he massive. He is regularly being seen turning up to his jams and typically becomes oblivious to the world around him. He additionally likes to perform in his band, converting his detective team into one whenever feeling like it while additionally believing himself to have a great singing voice. Even if Vector listens to and plays music loudly, he just appreciates the music if it sounds great, while disliking general noise.


Investigation Skills: Despite the fact that he may not look like it to some, Vector is the brains behind the Chaotix's inquiries and a refined criminologist with a knack for solving riddles and is also a shockingly clear thinker with remarkably excellent instincts. While he is not as wise as Dr. Eggman or Tails, he can sort out pieces of information and other minor insights, allowing him to reach correct conclusions that his teammates and most others would have ignored or neglected to uncover. His skills in this field have been proven to be very profound, particularly amid his investigations, as Vector very seldom chooses the wrong individual as his prime suspect. Also, he can utilize his investigative techniques for different purposes, such as finding lost items or even anticipating his enemy's movements.

Strength, Power, and Jaw Capabilities: Classified as a Power Type, Vector has astoundingly high physical strength which effectively rivals the likes of Knuckles the Echidna, E-123 Omega, and Big the Cat. He has demonstrated great force in his arms, as he can demolish rocks and thick metal alloys with a single punch, and can send objects soaring into the sky and out of view. By combining his strength with his weight, Vector can land downward blows with his entire body which can crush nearly any enemy, even creating massive, red hot shockwaves when striking the ground. However, Vector's real strength lies in his powerful jaws, which are a considerable weapon. He can easily pulverize foes and any substance with his jaws or even release objects out of his mouth with such force that they ignite. Nevertheless, Vector has astounding control over his jaws, having the capacity to carry his teammates in his mouth without hurting them by any means. Despite the fact that he is not of the hedgehog species, Vector can utilize the Spin Attack and the various variants derived from it, where the users twist into tight balls for invulnerability against enemy attacks. The Homing Attack permits Vector to strike a target a supersonic speed while in midair, and the Spin Jump gives him a chance to twist into a ball and attack opponents by landing on them. The former attack is quite powerful as he can match Espio's striking force, which can one-shot even the toughest of Eggman's robots.

Breath-Based Abilities: Vector's breath is not only known to be quite putrid, but also very practical. Having different types of breath, he can release powerful sound waves and even fire to assault his enemies. The ability to spit out sound waves may be due to his singing voice, which he can use to generate incredibly destructive sounds, enough to cause all nearby robots to explode as a result of the noise. Furthermore, Vector is notably talented at blowing chewing gum. He can at whatever time blow a huge bubble to ride through midair or knock smaller projectiles away from him, and, consolidated with his breath abilities, he can release bubbles that create massive explosions upon effect. 

Speed: Like most other characters in the series, Vector can run at supersonic speed, having the capacity to stay aware of even the speediest characters like Espio and Shadow. Vector can turn into a ball either to accelerate while running or to bounce on and assault enemies. In rare instances, he has likewise showcased the capacity to twist into a bigger, doughnut-like structure with the same kind of effects. To travel through rails, Vector can pound on them, fast enough to keep up with his team.

Physical Abilities: As a crocodile, Vector is naturally a very talented swimmer, using the typical movement of a crocodile in water to accelerate effortlessly. His one of a kind swimming stroke is known as the "Crocodile Paddle" or the "Gator Style." He can likewise convey this sort of movement over to the ground or even the air by sliding forward head-first on his stomach, permitting him to quicken and push through even the hardest impediments.

Miscellaneous Abilities: Vector has proven to be a competent Extreme Gear rider, having built up himself as a worthy rival in the EX World Grand Prix amongst the best riders. Having some expertise in Bike Gear, he can perform different athletic tricks and punch his way through enormous obstacles while riding. Vector even refactored his Extreme Gear "Hard-Boiled" himself, demonstrating he may have some knowledge of machinery.

TESTAMENTS TO COMBAT SKILLSvector_the_crocodile_by_silvershadowfan_

Possessing such a skill-set and containing such an immense pool of strength, Vector has racked up numerous victories under his belt. He has confronted opponents coming in a wide range of shapes and sizes, giving each of them a taste of his might. A separate segment to only list his most notable victories is fitting considering how powerful some of Vector's rivals were. Through either supporting another character or being the one who's receiving assistance, Vector has managed to take on, and triumph in numerous battles.

Notable Victories: Metal Sonic Kai (with help from Knuckles' Chaotix), stalemated against Team Dark and Team Rose (with the assistance of Espio and Charmy), took down the Egg Emperor (with help from Espio and Charmy), weakened a significant portion of Metal Madness (with help from Espio and Charmy), brought down the Egg Dealer (assisted Shadow), and defeated Black Doom in one of the scenarios from Shadow the Hedgehog (assisted Shadow).

|ESPIO THE CHAMELEON|"Where there's light, there's shadow. Careful! - Espio

Name: Espio the Chameleon

Debut: Knuckles' Chaotix

Species: Chameleon

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Height: 112 cm (3'7")

Weight: 36 kg (79 lb)

Eye Color: Gold


Espio is serious, practical, intelligent and wise, and has a militaristic state of mind regardless of being peaceful and laid back. Espio is additionally portrayed as being stubborn, self-fixated, and to some degree self-obsessed. Despite this, Espio has an excellent drive to all that he does and flourishes off of peril, getting himself into threatening situations to flex and polish his ninja skills, and because of extensive training, he can confront these troubles head-on, unconcerned by danger. Espio values his freedom more than anything else, and in the wake of being caught in Dr. Robotnik's Combi Machine, he looked to stop the evil scientist no matter what. 

Espio particularly hates Dr. Eggman, though it's not stated exactly why, amid a cutscene in Sonic Heroes, the typically quiet chameleon even threatened the scientist's life. It is perhaps Eggman's nature that allows him to take away one's freedom which sets off his dislike towards the doctor. He is likewise ready to see through Eggman's traps effortlessly, in Shadow the Hedgehog he outright tells Shadow to wreck the miscreant despite all of Eggman's attempts to enlist Shadow through lies and deception. Furthermore, as one of the founders of the Chaotix Detective Agency, Espio has a keen, analytical mind and experience in solving riddles and mysteries, though he is not as gifted in that field as Vector the Crocodile. He likewise has some ability in hacking PCs for information as seen in Shadow the Hedgehog, though he has admitted that it is not his specialty.


Speed: Like most creatures in the Sonic Universe, Espio possesses his fair share of superhuman speed. It is reasonable to say that he even has surpassing measures of superhuman speed given that he can keep up with Sonic and Shadow. What is eminent about this is the way that he can keep up with Shadow when the black hedgehog uses his Hover Shoes for transport, which confirms supersonic movement for not only Shadow but for Espio due to having the necessary speed to keep up with him. Espio is even sufficiently quick to the point where he can simultaneously show up in various spots night instantly.

Strength and Power: While he is not set as a Power Type character in the games, Espio's strength is not something to be pardoned as he is strong enough to shatter obstacles that are in his way, even machinery with minor karate chops. Furthermore, Espio likewise has a prehensile tongue which he can use as a short-range projectile attack in combat and as a grappling hook. This implies his tongue is not only durable as it is ready to grapple the likes of spiky Sonic yet strong as well considering he can pull in adversaries around his size. Though not a hedgehog, Espio can use the and the various techniques derived from it, where the user curls into an invulnerable, concussive ball to damage, mow down or burrow through obstacles and foes. The Homing Attack allows Espio to dash in midair at supersonic speed towards a target, and the Spin Jump lets him curl into a ball and attack opponents by landing on them, and the Spin Dash lets him shoot himself forward as a powerful buzz-saw while mowing down enemies and obstacles.

Durability: Having tanked the assaults of and crushed many robots, all the way from standard ones up to the Boss level, Espio is quite durable. He can tank an indefinite amount of Homing Attacks from Sonic the Hedgehog (Shadow's too), who has been capable of stunning Dark Gaia (a being who's size was on par with a mountain) with said attack. Espio leaving a fight unharmed by Sonic's and Shadow's Homing Attacks is a strong testament to his durability.

Athleticism: Being a ninja, Espio portrays feats of bewildering physicality as he is fit for performing sophisticated and nimble jumps while airborne, grind on rails at incredible speeds, and even experience a rapid buzz-saw phase without hinting at any vertigo. Given the endless amount of revolutions the user of the Spin Attack goes through, it is noteworthy that Espio is capable of responding to obstacles in his way and not experience any sickness a while later. Additionally, similar to a real reptile, Espio can move along any surface and stick to them for an extraordinary measure of time.

Senses and Accuracy: Espio possesses an extremely keen sense of awareness of his surroundings in both the physical and emphatic plane. This has permitted him to throw a kunai through a hole amid a piece of string that was tied to a falling package while barely looking at the target, detect Team Dark nearby despite the group being out of his field of vision, and even perceive the spirit of the Time Eater.



As a ninja who is capable of utilizing several types of ninja-based weaponry, Espio can use his shuriken stars for long-range offensive maneuvers by throwing them at opponents and can do as such in quick succession and with enough striking energy to puncture metallic objects. He can likewise assault a rope to his kunai and use it as a catching snare to swing between targets.


Much the same as your typical chameleon, Espio can disguise his body to mix in with his surroundings. Be that as it may, being a fictional character permits him to do it in a preferred manner in comparison to his real-world nonanthropomorphic reptiles as he is granted abnormal perks. Being able to camouflage his physical body in three diverse methodologies and with each form varying in its properties, Espio is set apart from real-world occurrences.

Chroma Camo - Before using this technique, Espio centers his energy, and when the time is right, he will become completely invisible, and the advantage which comes alongside this technique is a speed upgrade.

Leaf Swirl - A technique where Espio produces a tornado that renders him outright invisible and undetectable; the windstorm he induces generates extraordinary power, enough to bring about Eggman's robots to lose their hold on their shields and even sweep them off of their feet, sending them soaring.

Ninja Arts: Camouflage - Seemingly Espio's pristine methodology of mixing in with his surroundings. This ninja art renders Espio into becoming nearly imperceptible ("nearly" because it leaves a trail of leaves that twirl around him, which would make locating him easier). This con of being near-invisible would be bested by the past two variations if it were not for the fact that this particular method of camouflage also renders Espio intangible and grants him invulnerability towards enemy attacks.


Combat Skills: By his accords, Espio is a powerful opponent as he says it would take no less than a "mighty foe" to defeat him. Having experienced extensive ninja training, Espio is an expert of ninjutsu; a type of hand-to-hand fighting that utilizes stealth and deception against one's enemies. He is likewise a fierce opponent in direct combat as he was able to match Rouge the Bat in battle, someone who has experienced comparable types of combat training and was able to go toe-to-toe with Knuckles the Echidna, a Master of martial arts.

Possessing such a skill-set and being a master of ninjutsu, Espio has racked up numerous victories under his belt. A separate segment to only list his most outstanding achievements is fitting considering how powerful some of Vector's opponents were. He has confronted enemies coming in a wide range of shapes and sizes, giving each of them an essence of his ninja power. Through either supporting another character or being the person who's receiving assistance, Espio has been able to go up against and defeat accomplished opponents.

Notable Victories: Metal Sonic Kai (with help from Knuckles' Chaotix), stalemated against Team Dark and Team Rose (with the assistance of Vector and Charmy), took down the Egg Emperor (with help from Vector and Charmy), weakened a large portion of Metal Sonic's Metal Madness form (with help from Vector and Charmy), brought down the Egg Beater (assisted Shadow), destroyed Eggman Nega's Egg Liner despite interference from Shadow and Metal Sonic (with the help from Silver), as well as the Egg Crawler, Egg Dealer, Egg Bull, and the Egg Phantom (with help from Silver). 

|CHARMY BEE|charmy_bee_10__by_light_rock-d7mre46.png"Yeah, time to rock and roll!" - Charmy

Name: Charmy Bee

Debut: Knuckles' Chaotix

Species: Bee

Gender: Male

Age: 6

Height: 70 cm (2'3")

Weight: 10 kg (22 lb)

Eye Color: Orange-Amber


Charmy is hyperactive, scatterbrained, and not very bright. Since he is a kid, he would preferably play than work, as apparent in the Chaotix' first mission in Sonic Heroes; Charmy can be spotted floating around and singing. However, he is likewise very friendly, lighthearted, and cheerful. Due to his age, Charmy is not as talented an investigator as Vector and Espio are, but he is in any case significant to the group. Additionally, it is possible that Charmy is also money-hungry like Vector, as they both had dollar signs in their eyes when the client in Sonic Heroes guaranteed to pay them handsomely for their service despite the fact that, as kids need to do, he may have been simply emulating Vector's behavior. This may propose that a part of both Vector's and Espio's personalities could rub off on him as he matures. Charmy also demonstrates a profound appreciation, even admiration, for Shadow. At the point when Shadow kills one of the Black Arms, Charmy compliments him on his coolness, likely a nod to how young kids long to be as cool, calm and collected as their elders, or in this case, Shadow.

PHYSICAL ABILITIEScharmy_bee_3__by_light_rock-d54yx6p.png

Physical Abilities: Due to his wings, Charmy is capable of near-perpetual flight as he is always seen flying around. His flying extremities do not appear to weaken rapidly at all, unlike some fliers. Like most characters in the series, Charmy can move at supersonic velocities, but so far just in flight. He can, indeed, move so quick in midair that he makes tiny vortexes of such thickness that they can be stood on. Charmy is also exceptionally acrobatic and agile, as he can perform unusual movements and tricks while airborne, grind on rails at blistering speeds which equal his teammates'. Charmy has an effective stinger which is fit for landing lethal blows. With it, Charmy can deliver strikes powerful enough to penetrate metal, and he knows how to utilize it with rate and dexterity. He is additionally shockingly stable for his little size, fit for lifting both his bigger partners and flying with them across indefinite distances.

Moves and Techniques: One of Charmy's signature techniques is the Dash, a move for letting him fly through midair. This strategy is unfathomably better than moves like Propeller Flying and Flying, as Charmy can utilize it indefinitely and use it to make immediate mid-air boosts or dart movements. His other signature move is his Sting Attack where he assaults enemies with his stinger, with each strike being able to puncture metal, as aforementioned. Additionally, Charmy's newest unique technique, the Whirlwind, lets him create vortexes of winds so stable that they turn solid. Despite the fact that he is not of the hedgehog species, Charmy can utilize the Spin Attack and the various variants derived from it, where the users twist into tight balls for invulnerability against enemy attacks. The Homing Attack permits Charmy to dash in midair towards a target, and the Spin Jump gives him a chance to twist into a ball and attack opponents by landing on them. The former attack is quite powerful as he can match Espio's striking force, which can one-shot even the toughest of Eggman's robots. Together with his group, he can likewise utilize the Thunder Shoot where he fires his teammates as electrically-charged balls with the power to take out numerous enemies in a row. As a fail-safe, if his teammates are not around, he could do this to inanimate objects as well, but this methodology would result in fewer takedowns per strike since his teammates control their paths upon being fired.

Chaotix Usefulness and Bee-Related Abilities: Charmy excels in following his hunches and uncovering hidden objects―once he is onto something, he can track down nearly anything. Out of the Chaotix, Charmy is the tracker, his pure nature giving him a great feeling of distinguishing what others would miss. He likewise has a baffling ability which lets him warp between flowers and activate bee-themed gadgets at will.


Possessing such formidable techniques and being a skilled tracker, Charmy has racked up numerous feats and victories under his belt. He has confronted enemies coming in a wide range of shapes and sizes, giving each of them an essence of his flight-aided capabilities. Through either supporting another character or being the person who's receiving assistance, Charmy has been able to go up against and defeat accomplished opponents.

Notable Victories: Metal Sonic Kai (with help from Knuckles' Chaotix), stalemated against Team Dark and Team Rose (with help from Vector and Espio), took down the Egg Emperor (with help from Vector and Charmy), and destroyed 1/3 of Metal Sonic's Metal Madness form (with help from Vector and Espio).






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